I’m running for what we value as a community: for this place and for our community.
Peaks and valleys, rivers and lakes, meadows and sagebrush flats—acre per acre, Teton County may be the most beautiful place on the planet. This is our place.
As well as beauty, we have people—our community, and “It is good people who make good places.”—Anna Sewell, Black Beauty.
Good government cares for both. With limited tools, we house our most valued workers, protect our natural capital, maintain a fair and rational business environment, preserve community character, and manage the impacts of our visitors. We’ve done well. But the job isn’t getting easier.
Growth brings tradeoffs. It crowds our roads. It pressures our resources. It places well-intentioned neighbors at odds.
County government can plan and zone, levy limited taxes and allocate its limited revenues between operations and capital projects. And it can empower citizens. I am committed to a county government that empowers citizens by adhering to a few simple principles:
1. Focus on the health and safety of citizens.
2. Craft clear regulations that maintain a level playing field.
3. Maintain transparency and open communications.
I’m running to apply those principals. I’m running to empower you.
My six-word slogan for our county: Our Work – Our Heart – Our Place.
I look forward to working with good people to protect our good place.
This is great news, Mark. Best of luck!
Thank you so much for the support! Stoked to see that your in economics in what appears to be Oxford! Nice! Actually know very little about what I’m doing running for commissioner. But environmental economics applies in all kinds of ways here, and I think can help us move forward on some tough issues. Should be interesting.
Take care. Hope Jasmine’s well.